Article Wobble: Blogger Recognition Awards

Ok!  Wow!  What can I say?!  It is so great to be recognised by a peer for something like this.  I love the genuine expression of appreciation exchanged here, absolutely chuffed to be nominate by Lipstick, Lashes and Life. 

What are the Blogger Recognition Awards?

This award is given by established social influencers to those they admire or respect.

The Rules

The rules for this post are simple:
  • ·         Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  • ·         Write a post to show your award
  • ·         Give a brief story to how your blog started
  • ·         Give a piece of advice or two for new bloggers
  • ·         Select 10 other bloggers you want to give the award to

How did I start my blog?

As a marketer, with over 15 years’ experience writing for my employers or other businesses.  I have always encouraged others to write, or tell them about the power of writing articles, news stories, reviews etc for a brand or website.  So back in the summer I thought why am I not doing this for myself?!

The Internet has allowed me to be brilliant, creative, outgoing, daring and occasionally unconventional.  Sometimes I am a little boring too, but isn't that real life? I still don't know what I want to be when I'm a 'grown up' but have always enjoyed reading and writing and thoroughly enjoy the opportunities that it brings.

Advice for other bloggers

Be yourself!!!  Do not try to copy others; people will want to follow and engage with a real person, not an idea of a person.  Also, do not focus on the numbers.  That is not the reason you got into blogging – they will come eventually.

I am so fed of seeing, “I’ve only been blogging for 12 weeks and I have got 27,000 views.” Do you know what? Good for you!  This is not the be all and end all.  When I have an email or message from someone saying what I wrote made an impact on them, this means so much more to me.

You write because you enjoy it.  You take pictures because you enjoy it.  Be real!


These are people I love keeping up to date with are;

Millennial Mother – Kelly shares her experiences of being a millennial mother in Wales and promotes products she believes in.  She is proudly a feminist, marketeer and fashion lover.

What She Blogged – Living in North Wales, she has recently graduated with a first class BA in Professional Writing and Media, and is currently a Social Media Executive for a fashion brand.

The Happy Days Travels – Shireen always posts amazing pictures of her adventures.  After seeing her trip to Berlin it has got me even more excited for mine in January.

Winged x Doll – Maisie is so much cooler than me.  She is studying Fashion Promotion and university and this is clearly the right direction for her.

Hisdoryan – Claire shares my passion of history, but her posts often educate me too.  I absolutely love her tagline – Because it’s okay to live in the past!

Ruth In Revolt – Her enthusiasm for life is what will jump out at you immediately. She is a very positive force to be reckoned with. 

The Little Cardiff Blog – if you are hungry, do not look at Gemma’s Instagram page!  The food and drink always looks incredible – she works out a bit too.

Life of a Welsh Girl – Katie is a fashion, food and travel You Tube creator.  Her weekly Vlogs called Cuppa and Catch Up are highly entertaining and insightful. 

She Can. She Did – Fi’s interviews are incredible, she really knows how to get the most out of her interviewee.  Her raw honesty will also endear you, and want to continue to read more.

Cardiff Girl Blog – Katie blogs about her favourite things to do in Cardiff.  She shares family days out, fantastic eats and fun events.
