Review Wobble: Bloggers Meet Brands - Marketing, Branding and Content

This event has been such a good find!  I attend business networking events for the day job and at times it can feel like you are playing the long game, however this event ticks all the boxes - meet other bloggers, given the opportunity to interact and share ideas, and be introduced to brands and products in a friendly and supportive environment.  I attended my first event at the beginning of June, just one week after my new blog went live.  You can read all about it here.

The event was held at Miss Patisserie in the High Street Arcade on Thursday 26th July.  The retailer sells vegan, cruelty free skincare products.  Cardiff has been dubbed 'City of Arcades' as it has more Victorian, Edwardian and contemporary arcades than any other British city  The arcades in the city centre have re-invented themselves over the last few years, especially as the demand to support small and independent businesses has grown.  They are full of unique shops including barbers, tattooists, artisan foods and vintage clothing to name just a few.

When I arrived I grabbed a gin and 'pimped' it courtesy of Popaball before mingling with the other attendees.  It was good to catch up with those who I met last time and have been able to continue to connect with online, as well as making some new contacts.  The weather has been unseasonably hot so at times it was uncomfortable - I did not know the back of my hands or my thighs could sweat!  Give me cold weather anyday...

Soon we were given the privilege of being introduced to Roses Branwen Eastwood, a freelance social media consultant.  She gets to work with local and national companies on their branding, marketing and content.  Rosie's presentation gave us all inspiration and tips on how we can portray ourselves online, tools to producing engaging content and tips for moving forward.

I started blogging years ago because I enjoy writing, and wanted to keep a record of what I get up to, funny stories, etc.  I have been lucky throughout my 'career' to be asked to attend events or trial products in return for a short article.  I have even been paid to write.  However, I have never seen my hobby as a business.  I know there are some bloggers out there who do it as a career or are aspiring to reach that level, but this has never been a goal for me.  Rosie's talk did make me think about portraying a more professional finish going forward by establishing my brand format and image, which I will be implementing.

Some of the tips I picked up on included:

  • Post regular content, but do not post too much.  Become part of your followers day.
  • Use your analytics, learn who your 'typical follower' is and appeal to them when they are online.
  • Establish your brand and perform exercises to help you with this.  
  • Make sure the images you post fit your brand.
  • It is not about follower numbers, it is about engagement.
  • Accept opportunities and make decisions so you do not miss out, logistics can be sorted.

After Rosie's talk it was time to try the gorgeous natural products from Miss Patisserie - or in my case, shop!  I bought bath bomb treats for the girls in work, a sweet smelling watermelon scrub for my super dry skin and a coffee and orange scrub for my mum to indulge. 

As what usually happens, all good things come to an end.  All too soon, the event was over and it was time to head home.  All of the attendees were given a fantastic goodie bag with products from Pop a Ball, Miss Patisserie, Glitter EyesNourish Skincare, and Cole & Co.  A big thank you to Yasmin from The Wonders of for putting on another well planned, entertaining and insightful event.  See you at the next one...!
